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CSR and Financial Industry

The second event of the CUHK MBA CSR Committee was done in a joint effort with the CUHK MBA Finance club.  It was hosted once again at the MBA Town Center and featured key topics in Finance and CSR in the Finance industry.  The speakers are well reknowned in their fields. More details are available at newsletter.


There was an after-party event which was hosted at Stone Nullah and attended by guests from HKU, CUHK, and HKUST.

Environment, Social and Corporate Governance


Speaker - Anson Wong, PhD

Assistant Director, Research Centre-Sustainable & Inclusive Development,

Cheung Kong Graduate School of Business (CKGSB)



With ESG being very new in the Asian region, it is important to understand what are the innovations and practices being implemented in that area. Targeting specifically ESG and Social Responsibility in China was the focus of Anson’s talk as it is a topic relevant to the students of Hong Kong and the fact that China being an economy that is the number one manufacturer globally.


China has always been placed under the microscope by the big economies like the United States and the Eurozone because of its aggressive growth and economic expansion. In every project undertaken by any Chinese companies, the global community continues to question their activities involving human rights and poor working conditions. Thus, it becomes increasingly important for Chinese companies to show to the world that they are capable of being transparent with their processes and by doing that, they can gain the trust of the international community and extend the growth of the companies without the scrutiny of the international community.

RMB Internationalization


Speaker - Chi Lo

Senior Strategist, 

BNP Paribas


The RMB has been a hot currency the past couple of years and talks about internationalizing the currency have been picking up steam from both the domestic and international communities.The internationalization of the RMB would establish China as a world power and give it somewhat of a finality of its rise after the Cultural Revolution into the international powerhouse it has become.As the senior strategist of Greater China for BNP Paribas, Chi Lo has witnessed and studied the RMB and how it has impacted and been impacted by global demand and interest.ESG being very new in the Asian region, it is important to understand what are the innovations and practices being implemented in that area. 

The second half touched on the free trade zones being setup in China, differing from the Special Economic Zones established earlier.The first city to adopt will be Shanghai which would allow free capital flow within the city. There are still a lot of areas to be answered and restructured in order to fully implement a real free trade zone, one of which are reforms in regulations, addressing the capital outflow from the city, distinction between the non-free trade zones and the free trade zones, and the RMB convertibility.

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